Cousins of Clouds

Cousins of Clouds
Tracie's NEW BOOK!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mrs. Brown on Exhibit

Book CoverTeacher’s Guide for
Mrs. Brown On Exhibit by Susan Katz
Illustrated by R.W. Alley


Have you ever been to a museum? What types of museums are there? What is the neatest thing you’ve ever seen in a museum?

Comprehension Guide

  1. Count the number of museums that Mrs. Brown’s class visits.
  2. Make a list of the topics the students learned about.


  1. How could you classify the types of museums that the children visited? Are there any other ways to classify them?
  2. Predict which museums you think the kids would want to take their parents back to visit again. Explain why you think so.


  1. Write five interview questions for Mrs. Brown about her museum experiences.
  2. Discover what museums are available in your area to visit, and then make a list of them in the order in which you would like to go see them with your most favorite first.


  1. Of all the museums in the book which one would you most like to visit and why?
  2. Examine the faces of the children in the book, what do you think each of them is feeling by their expression?


  1. Imagine you were NOT assigned to Mrs. Brown’s classroom. Write a letter explaining why you should be moved into her room.
  2. Imagine you got the chance to work at one of the museums. Which one would you choose and why?


  1. Which poem is your favorite? Why?
  2. Which picture is your favorite? Why?

Multiple Intelligence Projects for
Mrs. Brown On Exhibit by Susan Katz
Illustrated by R. W. Alley

Verbal/ Linguistic

Write a poem about a museum (or other great place) that you’ve seen. You can pick out one item within the museum or do an overall picture.

Logical/ Mathematical:

Math Brain teasers:

  1. If the Egyptian museum costs $2.00 per ticket and there are 22 kids in the class, how much money does Mrs. Brown need to get her students in?
  2. If at the Dinosaur museum only five kids can go into the TV room at a time, how many groups will there need to be?
  3. At the candy museum, each child can have five samples. How many pieces of candy is that all together?
  4. If there are 198 butterflies in the arboretum, how many butterflies could each child have if they were allowed to take them home? (Which of course, you just can’t do!)
  5. If there are ten bugs for every kid in Mrs. Brown’s class at the insectarium, then how many bugs are there total?

Visual/ Spatial

Using Sculpey (or other permanent material) create a sculpture of your favorite item found in one of the museums Mrs. Brown visited. Or, visit a new museum yourself, and create a replica of a masterpiece or specimen you see!


Play museum:

Find artwork around the classroom (or your house) and create categories for the items. Decide, as a class, what type of museum you will curate, and then split into groups to develop different “rooms.” When your work is complete, invite another class over to experience your museum.

Musical/ Rhythmic:

Brainstorm a list of musical types (and listen to the various ones, if possible). Then, make a list of all the museums you can think of and decide if music would be appropriate to play over their loudspeakers and what type should be played. (Example: Country in a museum about the south)


Make a list of all the museums that you’d like to visit in your lifetime.


Research one museum in a city at least 100 miles from your home. Make a travel plan for a visit. Estimate how much the trip would cost, and what else you might see while in that location. Create a pamphlet or travel brochure about what you learn.


Pretend that you are going to be a curator of a museum. Decide first what type of museum it would be, and then make a list of at least fifty items that you would like to put inside it. Draw a floor plan for your museum, give it a name, decide ticket prices (if any), and your location.