Cousins of Clouds

Cousins of Clouds
Tracie's NEW BOOK!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rain is Not My Indian Name

RAIN IS NOT MY INDIAN NAME: Multiple Intelligence Projects
Throughout the story, Cassidy Rain keeps a journal. Keep a journal for at least ten days. The pages can remain private. Just fold them lengthwise, so that a teacher can see they have been written on.
In the story, Mrs. Della Owen writes a letter to the editor. Choose a local issue that you are concerned about and write a letter to your local editor. (Be sure that it is checked for grammar and spelling first… they often to publish letters with the mistakes included and the words SIC (stand for spelled in-correctly) afterwards).

Create a character map about Rain. Break down her appearance, interests, friends, and family. Be sure to be detailed, so that it helps you study for quizes!
This story, like many Native American stories, does not stay married to chronological order in its telling. Some readers are unfamiliar with that style of writing. Whether you are new to Native literature or a big fan, create a timeline and fill in the major events in chronological order. (And, if Native literature is new to you, consider reading more Native stories when you get the chance so that you become more familiar with this literary technique!)
Rain is a photographer. Break out your own camera, buy a cheap or disposable one, or borrow someone else’s for this project. Shoot at least 24 pictures (black and white or color, your choice) that will capture what it is like to be you, right now. Then, using at least eight of the best, make a small scrapbook, with detailed notes explaining the pictures. Write a brief journal about the results of this project and what you learned working in this media.
In pairs or small groups, choose a scene to act out in front of the class. You don’t have to go word by word with the text, but it should be a close representation of the work.
Find lyrics that you think Rain would like. Copy them down, and write a letter explaining to her why you thought she would enjoy them.
In groups of no more than five, create your own pasta bridge. Be sure that each person contributes to the construction, and that no one person designs it. Then, after it is complete, discuss the process.
Good readers read in phrases, not word by word. Reread on chapter of Rain focusing on reading in this method. Then, make a copy of one page of the novel, and highlight every other phrase as you go. This will focus your mind on the chunking, or phrasing method. At the bottom of the page, explain how this technique affected your reading.