Teacher’s Guide for
Tub Toys by Terry Miller Shannon & Timothy Warner
Illustrations by Lee Calderon
Comprehension Guide
1. What do his mother and father want him to do?
2. List as many toys you can remember that he put in his tub.
1. Describe the room he is supposed to be in.
2. Explain why his parents change from people into sea life.
1. Choose your favorite page of illustrations, and explain why it is.
2. Decide what you would do if this were your little brother.
1. Compare how your parents would handle this situation, compared to this little boy.
2. Which things that go in the tub are meant to be toys, which ones does he turn into toys?
1. How would this story be different if it were about bedtime?
2. How could the toys be sorted? What would you label the boxes you sorted them into?
1. What do you think happens after the last page of the book?
2. What happens tomorrow night in this house at bath time?
Multiple Intelligence Projects for
Tub Toys by Terry Miller Shannon
& Timothy Warner
Illustrations by Lee Calderon
Verbal/ Linguistic
Write a story of your own, based off of Tub Toys, but about a boy or girl getting ready for bed.
Logical/ Mathematical:
Get a large bucket of toys, and brainstorm ways that they could be sorted. (color, size, shape, function, etc.)
Visual/ Spatial:
Using white construction paper (or the art provided on third page) cut out the shape of a tub. Then, using old magazines, catalogues, toy store adds, cut out pictures of your favorite toys and make a collage with all the pictures of toys spilling out! Put TUB TOYS and the author and illustrators names on the bathtub, and display!
Body/ Kinesthetic:
In groups of three act out the entire story of Tub Toys, but use NO words to tell the story… only actions and gestures!
Musical/ Rhythmic:
Sing bath and water songs and rhymes…
Rubber Ducky, row, row your boat, rub a dub dub,
Find all the rhyming pairs within Tub Toys and then try to make three rhymes of your own using your own toys as inspiration.
The little boy can tell that his parents are getting upset (they change to a shark and octopus after all). How can you tell when your parents are getting upset with you? What things might they say? Do?
Some kids have too many toys, while others don’t have enough. Can you list your five most favorite toys? Can you think of what you could do with the toys you don’t really play with anymore?